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Turquoise and Rose Quartz Copper Turtle Earrings


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Believed to attract money, success and love, turquoise is a stone of friendship in many cultures. Native Americans associated the colors of the turquoise stone with the blue sky and the green earth. It is still seen by many today as being symbolic of mankind's connection to nature.


Rose quartz is a stoneof love. It brings peace and calm to relationships. Excellent for healing emotional wounds, removing negativity and restoring harmony after conflict. Promotes appreciation of art, music and the written word. Aids in sleep.


The turtle is a powerful totem for protection as withdrawing into it's shell is an amazing self-defense mechanism. The turtle has few predators, which gives it an innocent energy. This also increases its lifespan, and so holds the symbolic meaning for longevity in many cultures.

​Nature for Nurture

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